Friday, November 22, 2013


This week was all about Thanksgiving! On Monday we read the book "Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks". I went around our circle and let each child tell what they were thankful for. At centers I wrote down what they were thankful for and then they made a turkey with them. 
On Wednesday we learned about the first thanksgiving with the pilgrims and the Indians! We read a book called "The Pilgrams and Me" and learned about the Mayflower. During centers the students got to paint the Mayflower on the ocean! 

They turned out pretty great! 

On Thursday we read "The Thanksgiving Treat". It is about a little boy who really wants to help prepare for Thanksgiving but no one will let him help. At the end his grandpa lets him help collect some chestnuts to roast of the fire! I went around our circle and let each student tell us about what they can help with at home. During centers we made pasta necklaces. I let them color the pasta with a marker and then string it on the yarn to make a necklace. This went along with our study of the letter N this week! 
Here's one of them showing off her necklace! 
Before and after nap I let the kids try a big ocean puzzle. They did surprisingly well and were determined to finish it! Here they are with their finished product! 

On Friday we read "Countdown to Thanksgiving" and then counted how many days we had left till Thanksgiving. During centers the students did some counting of their own! I had them do some "corn" counting with beads and pipe cleaners. They had to count to the numbers 10, 11, and 12. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013


This week we learned about Turkeys, getting ready for Thanksgiving! The kids learned some turkey facts and now know that a male turkey is called a Tom, a female turkey is called a Hen, a baby turkey is called a poult, the red skin under their chin is called the wattle, and the red skin above their beak is called the snood. They are so smart! On Monday the students made a turkey with their hand! I traced their hand to make the body of the turkey and then let them cut out their own feathers. 
This was good cutting practice for them. 

On Tuesday the students got to make what I called a "Mr. Turkey Head". We used a pine cone for the body then I gave them 4 feathers, a paper beak, and paper eyes to put on their turkey. There was no glue involved, I just had them stick the items into the pine cone. 
They were pretty funny looking but cute! 
On Wednesday we made some awesome turkey hats! 
The kids loved these!
In another center we had some turkey pinning where the students gave the cardboard turkeys some feathers by marching up the numbers. This activity helped with number recognition as well as fine motor skills! 

On Thursday the students got to practice tracing their name, using fingerprint! Those kids love getting thier hands dirty! 
Friday the kids did some letter T activities. They did a T dauber page and then traced the letter T with a que tip dipped in paint. They did a great job with this! 

Apples and Autumn

This week we learned about apples, autumn, and the letter S. On Monday the students got to choose their favorite color apple and sponge paint a page that color. After the paper dried, I cut them out into an apple shape. 
On Tuesday I let the students do a taste test with green and red apples. They each got one slice of red and one slice of green apple. I then let them come up and put a sticky note on which apple was their favorite. 
We had a tie! We also made a booklet called "I See Apples!". 

I had them read it to me after they were done. They loved this! 

On Thursday we read the book "Why Do  Leaves Change Color?". We then went in a leaf hunt outside and picked up lots of different leaves! During centers I dumped out the bag of leaves we had collected and let the students pick 5 of their favorite leaves. We then did a leaf rubbing of them! 
They turned out pretty cool. 

Friday we worked on some fine motor skills in centers. I had the students transfer packing peanuts from one container to another using tongs. Some of them struggled at first but finally got the hang of it and loved it! 

Saturday, November 2, 2013


We had a week full of spooky fun! We turned our pumpkins we made last week into jack-o-lanterns! 
We also made some spooky ghosts! 
We sang a few Halloween songs while the kids made their ghosts fly, they loved this! We also made t-shirts this week. I painted the kids hands to make a monster shirt! 
Here are a few of the kiddos wearing their monster shirts! 

In Wednesday we water colored a jack-o-lantern. 
Every Wednesday Miss Terra comes to help us! She helped the kids do some pumpkin counting this week. 
Our letter this week was J. Here was our sound sort we did.
They also learned to write the letter J using salt trays which was a big hit! They did a great job writing! 

Thursday was Halloween day and we had a lot of fun at our party!