Friday, October 18, 2013

Shapes and Colors

The students loved learning about their shapes and colors! We sang our shape song everyday to help them remember their shapes. 
The first day we read the book "Shapes Around Us" and went on a shape hunt around the classroom. The students were surprised to find so many shapes just in our classroom! At centers the students got to make shapes with play dough. 
The next day we read "It's a Shape!" and played a shape memory game. I showed the kids 3 shapes, told them to close their eyes, took one away, then had them tell me which shape was missing. During centers they got to participate in a shape dig! 
In another center they did a shape sort. They did a great job with this! 
On Wedneaday we read "Spicy Hot Colors" and the kids got to learn some Spanish color words! We then did a color bingo game during centers. 

On Thursday we read "Shape Detectives" and then went out to the playground to be shape detectives ourselves. I told the students a shape and they would have to go find it. They LOVED this and did an awesome job! They were finding shapes the rest of the day. During centers we did some shape tracing. 
Jacob did such a good job! 
Brilee was working hard! 
This silly girl was working on a shape matching folder game.
Stay tuned for our community helpers week! 

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