Sunday, December 15, 2013


Even though our reindeer week was cut short by snow days we still packed in a lot of fun! We started out the week reading "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". I was surprised that most of the kids did not know the story or the song! After reading the book we did a pin the nose on Rudolph game. The kids loved this! I blindfolded them and then lead them towards the Rusolph head with a red nose in their hand. It was funny how far off most of them were!
The one that is the closest is mine haha. 
Durning centers the students got to make their own Rudolph using their foot for the face and their hands for the antlers. They turned out really cute! 
We also had some Pom Pom color sorting in our centers each day this week. 
Thursday we read a book about some wild reindeer that were tamed and become Santas reindeer. During centers we made some reindeer food out of oats, red and green m&ms, and red and green glitter. The oats were for all the reindeer, the m&ms were for Rudolph because he loves chocolate, and the glitter was so the reindeer would see it glittering in the yard! The kids were told to take it home and on Christmas Eve they could sprinkle it in their front yard for Santas reindeer! 

The kids were getting restless inside so we decided to take an adventure out into the ice! We went into the backyard area and played for awhile in the ice. The kids had a ball sliding on the ice, picking it up, breaking it, digging in it, ect. 
This week we had been talking about the letter R. During centers Friday the students made reindeer out of a capital R and a lowercase r to help them remember what sound it makes. 
We also got to play with some shaving cream Froday! The kids loved this and made a few letters in the shaving cream. They mostly loved getting messy! 
Our little elf "Happy" was around our classroom again this week! 
He wanted to have a snow day too! 
He made himself a little swing! 
He was tired from his long trip to the North Pole last night! 

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