Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last Week of School

This week was our last week of school. I can’t believe it has come so fast! We made the best of it and had a really fun week! I picked out some summer fun and silly books to read this week. On Monday we read There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell. After reading we did a rhyming activity. I went through the book and would say two words on each page. If the words rhymed the students would give me a thumbs up. If they did not rhyme they would give me a thumbs down. During centers I brought back our cloud dough! Since our book talked about making a sand castle I thought the students would enjoy making their own sandcastles in the cloud dough!
On Tuesday we had a new Pete the Cat book! We read Pete the Cat and His Magical Sunglasses. I love these books because they have such a great theme, no matter what happens we can choose to be happy! During centers we made a Pete with some magical sunglasses! They turned out looking awesome!
I also let the kids try on my “magical sunglasses” when they were at this center. They loved those big glasses!
We got some new playground equipment and the kids were so excited! They didn’t want to get off of it!
Wednesday we read the book Splish, Splash Splat! During centers we played a simple board game where they had to roll a dice and then move their frog that many spaces across the lily pads. They love to play these simple games and it is great practice for turn taking and learning to be a good sport.
I also had the water tables set up again. They love to play in the water!
Thursday was a fun day! we read the book Pirates Love Underpants which of course was a huge hit! At the end of the book we found a treasure map, which was a map of our room! We decided to follow it and see if we could find the golden underpants like the pirates in the book did! The kids had such a fun time with this!
Found the golden underpants in our treasure box!
During centers we made eye patches and telescopes, which the students wanted to wear the rest of the day!
We also had a buried treasure dig! The students were so excited to dig up some money (pennies)!
Silly pirate!
Friday was our last day of school! We had a wonderful last day with a lot of fun activities! The kids were wiped out by the end of the day!! Here is our group on the last day ready for some fun!
They love each other!
We started out the morning by doing something super fun, cleaning our table with shaving cream! I remember doing this in Kindergarten and thinking it was the best thing ever!
Along with cleaning we also practiced writing some letters!
During lesson time we had a field day with the whole preschool! We started out with some fun relay races. First was the three legged race which our class won!
Next we did a balloon race.
Our final relay was a ball kick to see who could kick the ball the farthest!
After our relays were done and ribbons were handed out to the winning classes, we did some outdoor centers. My class began at the rolling tube center! After they got bored with this we did some bubble blowing!
Our next center was everyone’s favorite, the bounce house! One teacher was nice enough to bring her personal bounce house for her kids up to school for the day! They had a blast on it!
While half of the group was on the bounce house, the other half played with the balls.
Our final center was the bean bag toss and ring toss!
Silly girls!
Well that’s it for this year! We had some great times together and learned A LOT! I will never forget these precious students! They will always be remembered as Ms. Alyssa’s Cool Cats!

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