The next day we read a different book about the Gingerbread Man and compare it to the one we read the previous day. During centers the students got to decorate their own gingerbread man cookie! I told them that we had to wait until after lunch to eat them.
While they were in lunch I hid the cookies in the closet and left a note on the table saying the gingerbread men had run away!
The kids freaked out when they came back to the room and found that the gingerbread men were missing! I left clues around the building that the students had to follow to find the cookies.
They LOVED the gingerbread man hunt! And they loved eating them when we finally found them! We had some special guests come to visit Tuaeday. A group if drama students came to tell the kids some stories!
The next day we read "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". After reading the story I had the students act the story out. They had SO much fun with this! Some of them are little actors and actresses! During centers we did some cutting and gluing practice. I have them strips of paper that had squares and triangles to cut out.
Here's a few finished products!
They also got to make play dough gingerbread men!
Thursday we read the story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". After reading we discussed small, medium, and large. During centers the students did a small, medium, and large sorting activity.
They had fun this week with the new sunglasses and apron in the home living center!
We had a special someone join our class this week, introducing Happy the elf!
Happy comes to our classroom everyday and at the end of the day he flys back to the North Pole to tell Santa who has been good! Every morning he ends up in a new place and the kids have to find him. One morning we found him reading to the beanie babies!
The next day we came it to a classroom full of snowflakes and found happy hanging from one of them!
Stay tuned for me Happy the Elf pictures!